Applications Closed Until May 15th
Due to increasing work load at RAI and elsewhere I am sorry to say that all applications to RAI will be closed until May 15th. They will re-open when the site is back to 100% status. There are many pages that need to be updated such as the application form, archives, downloads, the artist directory and the music player.
While applications will be closed there are still some artists that have already applied but have nnot recieved their review and post yet. The articles and reviews will be posted within the next two weeks.
Artists soon to be officially connected to RAI:
- J-Bro
- Jamikeken
- Exit.357
- Hotel Oakland
- melodyofpraise
- King Leo
- Ty Green
Be sure to vote for our Pepsi Refresh Idea to "Start a company that gives free music promotion to musical artists" Starting May 1st! If we win, we recieve a $5,000 Grant of which all of it goes to YOU!