Friday, January 8, 2010

RAI Promotional Package Details

Featured Article and Review:

-Artist will recieve a featured article and positive music review for post on RAI's main website and the coresponding network's said artist is connected to.  The artist will be added to our Artist Database where upon clicking the artists name the user will be taken to the review article.  The artist will be added to our Artist Directory where upon clicking the artists name the user will be taken to the artists website.  If the artist chooses not to have a featured article said artist will only be listed in our Artist Directory, NOT our Artist Database.

Addition to Group and Online Radio: provides RAI with a great online radio featuring the songs of the connected artists. is the leading resource on the web for people to find new music.  Rising Artists Online radio provided by is a great way to get discovered on their website, and to gain a similar artists list quickly and easily. pays the artist for every time the artist's song is aired on the radio.

Twitter Announcement About Connection:

-An announcement on RAI's Twitter account will be made about the artists connection to Rising Artists International linking to the featured article and the artist's website.

Facebook Announcement About Connection:

-An announcement on RAI's Facebook Fan Page and Group Page will be made about the artist's connection to Rising Artists International linking to the featured article and artist's website.

Myspace Announcement About Connection:

-An announcement on RAI's Myspace Page will be made about the artists's connection to Rising Artists International linking to the featured article and the artist's website.

Ning Announcement About Connection:

-An announcement on RAI's Ning Network will be made about the artist's connection to Rising Artists International linking to the featured article and the artist's website.  Ning is the provider for RAI's official online social network.  RAI's Ning Page is host to music forums and discussions, artist music, downloads, videos and more.  Be sure to join our Ning page for a unique connection to other artists, friends, and fans.

LinkedIn Announcement About Connection:

-An announcement on RAI's LinkedIn Profile will be made about the artist's connection to Rising Artists International linking to the featured article and the artist's website.  All artist's with LinkedIn profiles are asked to connect their profiles with RAI's.  Artist's without LinkedIn profiles who would like to join LinkedIn, please send a request for an invite to , Subject: "Name" LinkedIn Invite Request"

Bebo Announcement About Connection:

-Sorry.  Not Available at this Time.

Mixx Announcement About Connection:

-Sorry.  Not Available at this Time.

Addition to YouTube Group:

-Rising Artists International has a youtube group have anyone can join.  It is highley recommended that all connected artists join the YouTube Group and submit their videos.  Artists will recieve more views and greater exposure by joining RAI's YouTube Group.

RAI YouTube Subscription:

-While RAI tries to keep up with all connected artists and subscribe to all the connected artists.  It is hard to keep track of who to subscribe to.  Artists who check this service off insure that they are subscribed to.  RAI's youtube subscription also allows RAI to suggest the artist's youtube channel to all who are subscribed to RAI's YouTube channel.  It is highley recommended that all connected artists subscribe to RAI's YouTube channel.

Video Interview:

-Artist agrees to a video interview with an RAI representative.  The interview will either be conducted on Skype, in person, or be recorded seperatley by each party.  By selecting to conduct a video interview the artist will automatically recieve an audio interview and text interview to be posted on the website.  The video will be posted on RAI's youtube channel and Group.

Audio Interview:

-Artist agrees to an audio interview with an RAI representative.  The interview will either be ripped from a video interview, conducted by phone call, or in person.  By selecting to conduct an audio interview the artist will automatically recieve a text interview to be posted on the website.

Text Interview:

-Artist agrees to a text interview.  The interview can be conducted through IM chat or by Email.  The interview will be posted on RAI's main website and the coresponding network said artist is connected to.

Artist Video RAI Introduction:

-RAI will record a video introduction for a video submitted by the artist for upload on RAI's YouTube channel.

Album/Song Review:

-Artist will send RAI an album or song for critique and review.  The review will be posted on RAI's website.  All reviews are positive.

Addition to RAI's Online Store:

-Through RAI has an aStore featuring the most popular albums currently on the market and the albums and songs of connected artists.  If the artist's songs can be purchased on then they can be featured on RAI's aStore for greater exposure.  All proceeds go directly to the artist.  If an album is purchased on the aStore the artist gets the same amount is if purchased directly on

Addition to RAI's Sampler Album Project:

-In the near future RAI will be releasing yearly/bi-yearly albums featuring the best songs from connected artists in specific genres.  All royalties will be paid to the artist based off sales amounts.  More information will be released when the time gets closer to RAI releasing it's first Sampler Album.

Addition to RAI's ReTweet Project:

-If an artist is partaking in the ReTweet project any Tweet the artist makes that mentions (@RisingArtists) Rising Artists will be ReTweeted to RAI's followers.  Therefore recieving greater traffic to the contents of the original tweet.

One on One Band Management and Promotions Conference:

-This is the essence of RAI's being.  Here at RAI we try to focus on giving the artist a personalized promotion platform based off of the artists needs first and RAI's needs second.  An RAI representative will discuss and give advice on everything from releasing an album, mastering advice, promotional advice, industry secrets, and more.  If it is music RAI will discuss it with the artist to try and give them the best promotion experience possible.  Let's help eachother out and share our ideas.

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Copyright David Leek 2009

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